Call Time: 8:30am
Dress: Shorts & Skeleton Shirt
We will take uniforms with us!
The weather looks nice right now and could get chilly in the evening.
Suggest you bring your Sandite Bands Hoodie along.
Lunch and dinner will be provided and there will be water on hand all day.
You can bring money for concessions, etc.
Section Leaders: Please review Contest Day Flow (set-up, what to do and not do, etc) &
Contest Ettiquette (entering/exiint stands, behavior toward others, etc) with you group!
Prelims: 2:00pm is our first performance
Finals: Will depend on the draw.
If you family wants to come and watch, please let them know there will be an entry fee.
I don’t have any info at the moment about how much it is, but should later this week.
Massing: 10:00pm (ish)
We will mass in uniform and hang them up and go home right afterward.
Will need to have the semi loaded before massing if possible.