Call Time: 4:15pm
Dress: Jeans, Black SS Dri-Fit (NOT Skeleton shirt) & Sandite Bands Hoodie
The weather is supposed to be beautiful!
Depart: 4:30pm (or AS SOON as buses get there!)
We will have the trailer loaded that morning (and contest stuff in the semi)
The trailer will leave early, so be sure you’ve got all you need!
We will have snacks for the ride there and dinner will be provided at the event.
You’ll also get a 3rd quarter treat (we’re playing through!).
Home: Around 11:30pm
We will need to take everything into the PA Bldg
and be ready to put it in the semi in the morning.
Be sure that someone is there to pick you up when we get home!
Call when we’re getting close to remind them!