Monday Sept. 23

Normal day for us…7:30am practice, etc

(OPTIONAL STUFF:     Denim Day & Movie Night at Stadium 7-9pm)


Tuesday Sept. 24

Normal day for us…7:30am practice, etc

(OPTIONAL STUFF:     Tropical Tuesday & Snow Cones @ Lunch)


Wednesday Sept. 25

See You at the Pole” is happening, so we won’t have early rehearsal. 

8:30am Report time, dressed for school.  PEP MUSIC MAGIC!!!

Seniors will take their individual photos with Ms. Counce in uniform during class.  Come early if you can to get ready!

(OPTIONAL STUFF:     Wacky Wednesday & Feed the Homeless)


Thursday Sept. 26

(OPTIONAL STUFF:     Dress for Success)

7:30am                        Regular Rehearsal-OUTDOORS

                                    Wear Sandite gear and bring what you need to wear under uniform for parade.

                                    Color Guard be sure you have your parade outfits!

8:30am                        Load drums etc in trailer

9:00am                        PRATT performers released

                                    There will be no bus for today’s performances, so you must be sure you have your

                                                parents’ permission to drive or ride along with a driver.  If not, stay behind plz.

9:30am                        PRATT performance

10:30am          PRATT performers back at school


12:30pm          ANGUS VALLEY performers released

                                    There will be no bus for today’s performances, so you must be sure you have your

                                                parents’ permission to drive or ride along with a driver.  If not, stay behind plz.

1:15pm            ANGUS VALLEY performance

2:30pm            ANGUS VALLEY performers back in school


5:00pm            PARADE CALL-TIME for ALL PERFORMERS!

                                    We will meet in band room and walk over to the parade together.

6:00pm            PARADE


7:00pm            PARADE is over and uniforms hung up and put away…drums (etc.) in trailer for Friday’s events

                                    When you’re done, go home!  Friday’s going to be a long day!  Saturday too!


Friday Sept. 27

(OPTIONAL STUFF:     Gold Rush)

7:30am                        NO EARLY REHEARSAL!!!!

                        LIMESTONE performers report directly to LIMESTONE ELEMENTARY

7:35am                        LIMESTONE performance

                                    There will be no bus for today’s performances, so you must be sure you have your

                                                parents’ permission to drive or ride along with a driver.  If not, stay behind plz.

8:30am                        LIMESTONE performers & EVERYONE ELSE report to band room to prep for pep

9:00am                        FULL BAND lined up in CPHS LOBBY

9:15am                        CPHS Pep

10:00am          DRUMS (etc.) loaded in the trailer & ECEC performers released

10:15am          ECEC performance (DRUMMERS & DMs ONLY)

                                    Drummers who don’t drive can ride in the suburban or with a friend.  Be sure you parents

                                                are OK with you riding with a friend if that’s what you choose.

11:30am          ECEC performers back in school

                        Lunch for DRUMMERS

11:45am          NFAA/GARFIELD performers released

                                    There will be no bus for today’s performances, so you must be sure you have your

                                                parents’ permission to drive or ride along with a driver.  If not, stay behind plz.

12:00pm          NFAA performance

12:45pm          Arrive at GARFIELD ELEMENTARY

1:00pm            GARFIELD performance

2:15pm            GARFIELD performers back in school

                        DRUMMERS go set up stadium hardware in band stands


5:00pm            Game Call-Time

                                    Full Uniform/Warm-Up in Band Room

5:45pm            Mini Parade

                                    Short Plaza Show

6:30pm            Watch Homecoming Events from North End

                                    Regular Game Routine following that

3rd Quarter       Front Ensemble and Guard can load the trailer

                                    The rest of us will carry on as usual.

Afterward       All remaining stuff goes into trailer! (Instruments, DM Ladders, etc)

                                    The semi often leaves before we do, so be sure everything is in there that you may need.

                        Uniforms will go with us on the buses.  Be sure to hang them up nicely.



Saturday Sept. 30

Marching Contest

10:45am      Call Time

          Full details are at www.SanditeBands.org