OSSAA State Jazz Contest
When: Wednesday, April 24th
Where: Oklahoma Christian University- 2501 E. Memorial Road Oklahoma City, OK 73013
Wear: ALL Black
10:15am Report to the CPHS Band Room - Load equipment
10:30am Depart for Quail Springs Mall
11:45 am Arrive @ Quail Springs Mall for lunch($$$$)
1:00pm Depart for Oklahoma Christian University
1:15pm Arrive and Unload (Watch some bands)
2:40pm Warm-up
3:05pm Perform
3:35pm Load equipment
5:00pm Arrive back to CPHS
Dear jazz band parent(s)
This letter is to inform you of our State Jazz Contest at Oklahoma Christian University on Wednesday April 24th. We will also be taking the students to Quail Springs Mall for lunch so you will need to provide them with lunch $$$. We also want to invite parents to our contests, so please feel free to come and show your support. See address and itinerary above for Wednesday’s plan of events. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you so much for your continued support and GO SANDITES!!!!
Jeff Lyles – jeff.lyles@sandites.org
Assistant Band Director
Sand Springs Public Schools