2024 GCBDA All-District Clinic/Concert

Friday & Saturday, January 26th & 27TH

What:  GCBDA All-District Honor Band Clinic & Concert

When:  Friday, January 26th 

Report to CPHS band room 8:15am

Depart to Claremore PAC 8:30am

Arrive & be seated 9:25am

Rehearse 10:00am– 12:30pm

Lunch$$ 12:30pm – 1:45pm

Rehearse 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Return to CPHS 6:00pm

Saturday, February 19th

Report CPHS 7:45am 

Arrive 8:45am

Rehearse 9:00am – 12:00pm

                          Lunch$$ 12:00pm – 1:30pm

Dress Rehearsal 2:00pm

Concert Begins 3:30pm

Make sure you have a car ride home from the concert on Saturday!!!

Where: Claremore High School Performing Arts Center — 201 E. Stuart Roosa Claremore, OK 74017 

What to wearFriday - Students may dress casually (eg- jeans, nice shirt, tennis shoes)

Saturday – Students may dress casually for rehearsal but will need to bring 

nice dress clothes to change into during lunch for the concert.  

Dear Sand Springs Band Parent(s) & Students,

Congratulations on making this year’s GCBDAAll-District Honor Band.  The clinic and concert are scheduled for Friday & Saturday, January 26th / 27th.  Please see the schedule above. This is such an exciting experience, but it is very important to make sure you know times, places, what to wear, etc.  Also, the players will be working very hard to put on a great performance on Saturday so please feel free to invite as many family members and guests as you want.  There will be no charge for admission to the concert.  

We will be eating at a fast food place on Friday and Saturday so please make sure to bring a lunch or bring $$money$$ for lunch on Friday & Saturday.  Thanks so much for allowing your child to participate in this year’s all-district honor band.  

The rehearsals and concert take place at the Robson PAC in Claremore (201 E Stuart Roosa).   They are going to have a blast and will represent Sand Springs Schools very well.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you!


Kyle Wright

Jeff Lyles

Bryan Garrison