(CPHS Performers, your info is roughly the same except for drop off & pick-up specifics)
Sand Springs Christmas Parade
Friday, December 1st
Who: All 7th & 8th grade band students
What: Sand Springs Christmas Parade
When: Friday, December 2nd
· Report Time: 6:30pm
· Parade Starts: 7:00pm
Where: Meet on Pecan St. behind the China Star Restaurant & Atwoods.
The parade ends on South Main St at the Hwy 412 overpass (SEE MAP)
What to Wear: SS Band Hoodie, blue jeans, and tennis shoes – Students are encouraged to keep an eye on the weather and dress in layers underneath their hoodie if it’s warranted.
Dear CBMS parent(s),
We are so excited to announce that 7th & 8th grade band members will be marching in this year’s Sand Springs Christmas Parade! Only those players who have passed the memorization test will be allowed to participate.
On the back of this page you can find a map of the parade route starting point (A) and ending point (B). Please make arrangements to pick up your child at 1st & S Main St right after they march by. There’s always lots of traffic, so please plan accordingly.
We are super excited to have such a great opportunity to show off our AWESOME middle school band students!
Thank you,
Mr. Wright
Mr. Garrison
Mr. Lyles
Parade Route
(The parade route can be seen above behind the title of this page!)
Christmas Parade Uniform
The required uniform for the Christmas Parade is the SS Band Hoodie, blue jeans and tennis shoes.
We are currently taking sizes and making an order at the beginning of November.
Hoodies are $25 and payment is due before November 1st
Cash or Checks are accepted. We can put the charge in Infinite Campus, too, if you would prefer to pay there.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact
Mr. Lyles: