All State Jazz Auditions
Saturday, November 18th
Midwest City High School
Departing from BUS BARN
(near Angus Valley Elementary)
Important Information:
● Audition times will be posted outside each room (random draw by computer)
● Auditions start at 9:00am!!
● Check-In prior to your performance time!
● If you miss your time you WILL NOT be allowed to audition!
● No cell phones in audition rooms
● Don’t talk to the judges and try not to talk loud to the monitor
● Do not mark out all your music. You will need it for finals, but DO mark the cuts!
● Improv. room can be done at anytime after your audition!
● Improvising is optional and those auditioning on more than one like-instrument (eg- alto & tenor) will only improvise on ONE of them and can choose which to do.
Prelim Room: Etudes and Sightreading
Trumpet Finals Room: Remaining Part of Etude
Downtime Information:
● Bring $$$ for LUNCH and DINNER
● Please bring something to do while waiting for your audition time and results to be posted
● We cannot leave until results are posted
Doublers please read from OMEA:
We will not be drawing times in 3 seperate blocks like last year. AuditionAdmin will randomly assign the draw order. We will run each room until it is finished. For rooms that have more than one instrument, they will audition in the order posted. Doublers will be allowed to audition out of order as needed but must audition while their instrument is "open" in a room. For example, a saxophonist who is auditioning on alto, tenor, and bari will need to audition in the bari room before the room closes bari sax auditions. (Please pay attention to the order that rooms with multiple instruments will audition)