Schedule for Championships

12:00pm Call Time at CPHS

(We will have loaded everything the night before following the family show)

12:30pm Depart for BAHS

1:00pm Arrive at BAHS & Unload Equipment

1:49pm CPHS Percussion Warm-Up (in lot???)

2:16pm CPHS Percussion Perform

3:23pm CPHS Winter Guard Warm-Up

3:44pm CPHS Winter Guard Perform

4:30pm Depart for Dinner

5:00pm Dinner @ Hideaway Pizza (1150 N 9th St-BA,OK)-Dinner Provided/No $ Necessary

6:30pm Depart for Hom

7:00pm Home at CPHS

If you need to come earlier than Noon for make-up etc, get with Mr. Wright.

The normal cost of entry to contest for spectators is in effect (I think it’s still $5 for championships.)

Masks, etc MAY be required for the entire visit (even performing). We will find out soon. Spectators, I’m sure, will be asked to wear for entire visit.