November 19 Play-Off Game

vs. Deer Creek @ Yukon HS


Call Time:       4:00pm (Hornline) – 3:15pm (Drumline)

Dress:              Jeans and Sandite Bands Hoodies

Home:             Around Midnight


Dinner in PA Bldg Lobby.  (Drumline will need to grab their dinner first and hit the road.)

Bring $ for Concessions Stands (if you like)

See new bus lists for seating. 


We will load trailer first hour and depart asap when buses get here.

Drum Line will leave at 3:15pm and unload all instruments into the stands when we get there.

Hornline will clean up the lobby and leave as soon as the regular buses arrive. 


Please keep an eye on the weather for Yukon as the weekend approaches and dress appropriately UNDER the jeans & hoodies.  It got cold last week!