What: 8th Grade- Pep Band Performance
When: Thursday, October 28th, 2021
Report time 5:00pm
Dress: Sand Springs Band Gear (Black and Gold Appropriate For Weather), Jeans, and Tennis Shoes
Food: Students will need to eat dinner before arriving or bring money for concessions during the 3rd quarter break
Dear 8th grade band parents,
Well, it’s our favorite time of year again---FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!!! It is about time for our annual 8th Grade Pep Band for the final 8th gr. Home football game. We want to continue this tradition of supporting Clyde Boyd Middle School 8th grade football team! On Thursday, October 28th the Clyde Boyd Middle School band will perform in the stands, just as the high school band does, to support our 8th grade football team.
Students will need to report to the Fine Arts Building located at the high school on the south end of the football field. Report time will be 5:00pm in order to get set up in the stands. Students need to arrange transportation of their instrument to and from the game. The game begins at 6:00 pm and should be done by 7:00-7:15. Please be prepared to pick up your child from the Fine Arts Building between those times. The band room phone will be available for those students needing to call.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me!
Mr. Brown
Thank you,
Jeff Lyles
Sand Springs Public Schools
Assistant Band Director