After School:  Leave for a while!!!  No sectionals on performance days.


Call Time:      4:30pm 

Dress:             Full Uniform  (Save Carnaval shirts for Saturday)

                        We will keep the uniforms on through the whole game.

Weather:        It’s going to be nice.



4:30pm            Take and necessary equipment to band stands (WW cases, DL stands, etc)

                        Front Ensemble:  Set up for Plaza performance right away to clear out the room.

                        5th Graders will begin arriving soon!

5:10pm            Warm-Up in Band Room – (Color Guard Outside)

5:30pm            Pre-Stage for Parade in front of PA Bldg

5:45pm            Parade to tunnels into SW gate

                        Return immediately to the band room

6:00pm            In arcs in band room for last minute details/tuning, etc.

                        We will practice “We Will Rock You” with the 5th graders!

                        It will be critical that you exude calmness!  They will have a TON of energy.


6:25pm            Plaza Show

                                                            Fight Song 1x

                                                            El Cumbanchero


                                                            Calle Ocho


                                                            Thriller – LONG VERSION

                                                            Fight Song 1x

                                                            Cadence to trail to North end


6:40pm            Travel to North End to wait going on field…Stay in order!


6:45pm            Pledge of Allegiance, Star Spangled Banner, & WWRY in arcs centered on 50

                        Move arcs over to normal ‘team entrance’ location….5th grade will come with

                        Afterward, WALK with purpose (don’t run!!!) out the North end gate and head to band stands.

                        5th grade will come with Mr. Wright back to band room to be picked up.



Half-Time:       Cheer, Dance, Us


3rd Quarter:      Take SHAKOS, GAUNTLETS, GLOVES, (CG) HEADPIECES, FLAGS, etc to semi trailer.

                        Front Ensemble Load EVERYTHING!



4th Quarter:      Be back (WITHOUT FOOD!!!) BEFORE the end of 3rd quarter.


                        Close to the end of the game, we go back to the field for Alma Mater at the End


After Game:    HANG UP UNIFORMS-We’re taking them on the buses Saturday! 

                        BE SURE that everything you will need Saturday (except for your uniform bag) is loaded.

                        We will likely not see the trailer until we get to the contest to unload, so don’t pout your uniform

on there (except for those last-minute things)



Other Details:  ABSOLUTELY nothing can be left in the lobby from call-time til the end of the game. 

                        We will lock the front doors after the pre-game parade.


Thoughts:        Do you have what is necessary to perform well in the stands????

                        Have you memorized the Alma Mater?