Take everything you need into band stands 1st THING (BEFORE beginning to suit up) [You are essentially a performer as soon as you arrive]

Please keep the lobby clear of uniform bags, backpacks, trash, etc.  There is a reception happening in the SANDITE ROOM before the game, so we need to stay out of the lobby and keep our stuff out of there as well.



5:00pm Ms. Counce will begin doing photos in band room. All seniors need to have a picture taken, even it you aren’t buying any for yourselves.

5:15pm            Drum Line Downbeat (in Bibbers-Jackets folded nearby)* We MAY have alumni visiting warm-ups

6:00pm            Hornline Downbeat w/ DL (in full uniform, minus shakos)*

6:00pm            Guard in full uniform (hair & makeup too) in band room to participate in run-through

6:30pm            Band Aide call time (to find your assigned people and learn routine)

                                    Wear spirit gear until I can get your regulation shirts

                                    Bring instruments & pep songs if you want to play along (Percs: practice pads are at HS)



Shakos in Box

Instrument Case if Necessary

Pep Music



Black LONG socks for uniforms

Guard: Makeup & Bows, Show Shirt & Leggings for 3/4th qutrs

Money for Concessions stands 3rd qutr (boosters provide free snacks after halftime at bandstands)



No one visible to public in full or partial uniform before we go out for tunnels together.

(You’re performing the whole time!)

Better organization in the stands…

Limited restroom breaks, staying in spots, paying attention the game, etc.











5:15pm            Drum Line Warm-Up

                        If you have to go through band room at this time, be quiet...they’re rehearsing


6:00pm            Full Group Warm-Up (Including CG in the room)

                        Then, Drumline goes out for Pre-Show (Drumline ONLY)


6:40pm            Move into stadium together to prep for tunnels

                        Keep the doors closed from 5:15pm until then.


7:00pm            Tunnels & Pre-Game Routine

                        SSB, Pledge, Set up tunnels in new configuration

                        Team comes through--Fight Song ONE TIME

                        WALK out North gate and back to band stands

                        Grab H2O and find spots ASAP so we can start playing


1st QUTR       Provide Pep & Stay in Spots

                        Limit reasons to leave spots

                        STAND on DEFENSE/SIT on OFFENSE

                        Be ready for “SHORT” all the time! 


2nd QUTR      Provide Pep

                        When told to, move to warm-up, take shakos & gloves with you (out of boxes)

                        Horn Line:  Arcs behind band stand (no hacking!)

                        Guard:       Block by picnic tables area

                        DL:            Inside Band Room

                        Aides:        Stay with Mr. Wright, then find your assingments

                        Plumes will be delivered


Half Time        Cheer


                        We perform (exit toward PA Bldg front gate)

                        Return shakos/gloves to boxes and drop instruments in band stand


3rd QUTR       Break

Stay in Uniform (including sipped up jacket)-Weather may dictate changes, but wait for instructions.

                        No Food or Drink (other than H2O) in band stands, even during break


4th QUTR       Be back in stands AND READY TO PLAY by end of 3rd quarter

Keep and eye on the clock-football time moves weirdly.  It can go really slow and then move really fast.  No excuses!  Be responsible and be back and ready so we get to keep these breaks.

END:               We’ll line up on fence ready for Alma Mater block

                        At end, move quickly & orderly into block and find DMs 

                        ALMA MATER & FIGHT SONG (1x)

                        Exit to front gate like half time 

                        NO HACKING AFTER GAME!!!!!

                        Aides can’t go in with us until I get your shirts.  Guard, take flags so they know you’re legit! 


After Game:    Put stuff away and go home

Aides:  We don’t check you out to parents after game.  Be sure you’re clear with them where you’ll be.  Games usually end around 9:30pm





Freshmen will stay for assembly and then be shuttled back to CNGC afterward

Dress: show shirt and jeans, etc

We usually only play the Fight Song and drum line stuff, but be prepped for Alma Mater!

No need to take pep music.

Since the HS lobby is gone, we will have to wing it for where to start playing in the halls

New performers, follow experienced ones! 


Drum Line Pep Assemblies Coming Up:

Sept. 13 @ CPHS (with everyone)

Sept. 20 @ CNGC (12:20-2:05pm)

Sept. 26 @ Pratt (1:00pm)

Sept. 27 @ CPHS (with everyone)

Sept. 27 @ Garfield (12:30-2:00pm)


Details on all will be forthcoming.  Get the work you’ll miss from your teachers in advance!