Gold Pride Band Member,


            It’s almost time to begin our Summer rehearsals to prepare for the 2019 marching season!  I hope you’ve had a great summer so far.  What follows are some reminders about how to get ready and info about where to be and when.   If you have any questions, email me or call the office (918-246-1498), but your best bet is to check our website…  I’m looking forward to seeing all of you and welcoming in the new members.  It’s going to be a GREAT year for us! 


Camp Schedule:

(The more detailed schedule is at under the Calendar tab)

Wed. July 31   Uniform Check-Out (HS Band Room) 6-8pm

Thurs. Aug. 1  Rehearsals Begin @ 7:00am (HS Band Room)

  • Rehearsals will be 7:00am-3:00pm weekdays Aug. 1st-14th

  • Drum Line and Color Guard will likely have extra rehearsals scheduled by their coaches and those dates and times will be forwarded ASAP

  • There will be a lunch break each day. Players are encouraged to bring a lunch or be sure it’s OK with parents if you ride to lunch with drivers. Also, section leaders may organize lunches on site for players. Check with them (they should be in touch soon.)


Travel in October:

  • We are performing at a contest in Branson, MO in Oct. and will stay overnight and go to Silver Dollar City, among other things.

  • By Aug 1, each member should have $90 in their travel accounts. ($120 by Sept. 3 if you would prefer to pay it all off now.) If you haven’t paid along the way this summer, it’s critical that you catch up by Aug. 1. Contact me if there’s a problem.


Equipment Orders & Payments:

  • If you haven’t yet completed the online equipment order form, it’s critical that you do so immediately. (Most did it before school was out.) I’m ordering the items now, so yours may not be here in time if you don’t take care of it right away.

  • If you have completed it, you should have received an email detailing your order. Please mail in the payment for the equipment so that I can get it ordered for you.

  • Part of that order form asked you to provide bottled water, sodas, or copy paper. Please double-check what you chose and bring those items with your on July 31 or Aug. 1.




Continued on back


Things You Will Need:

  • Be sure to wear laced up shoes for each rehearsal (sandals, etc. don’t work for what we do!)

  • Dress for movement in a weather-appropriate (but also school-appropriate) way!

  • Bring water (and snacks) each day (we have fountains, etc, but it’s more convenient to have your own.)

  • By the second week, you’ll need your nail pouch & canning lids for learning drill. If that doesn’t make sense, we’ll explain it to you on Aug. 1 and you can get them over the weekend!

  • Wind and percussion players will need a flip folder and lyre (yes-EVEN drummers!!!) They are available at music stores in Tulsa. We will try to have some on hand at uniform check-out. Flutists and drummers don’t need lyres, just flip folders. Other wind players need lyres and they are specific to your instrument, so take it along when you go to get one.


Sponsors & Concessions Stands:

  • We rely on our sponsors to keep us going financially. If your family has a business or would like to sponsor us, please have them check that section of our website. Your parents’ employers may want to help us out, so please encourage them to ask.

  • We also can’t do this unless we fully staff our concession stands. Please remind your family of the importance of signing up under ‘Forms” on our website. I can’t overstate the importance of this!


Staying Up To Date on What’s Happening:

Things change a lot with our schedules due to things we often can’t control or new information becomes available last minute.  So, it’s very important to stay in the loop.  The best way is through our text message system.  You can sign up for whatever groups seem to apply to you by following instructions at our website under ‘Stay in Touch’.  Encourage your family to sign up too.  It helps you if your parents get the info straight from us and don’t have to rely on you remembering to tell them what’s going on. 


            I’m looking forward to getting started with you on what will be our best year ever!  Please be on time, be prepared, and be ready to get after it!  Go back and double-check this letter to be SURE you’ve done everything you need to do to be prepared for rehearsals.  If you have questions, please email or call (info is below).