Catoosa HS Contest

Schedule based on draft 1.0 schedule from WGPO (Times may change a bit)

We will load the trailer on Friday

9:30am Call Time

9:45am Depart for Catoosa HS

10:30am Arrive and set up

11:56am Guard Warm-Up

12:16pm Guard Performance

Lunch Provided

3:53pm HS Drum Line Warm-Up

4:03pm MS Drum Line Warm-Up

4:20pm HS Drum Line Performance

4:30pm MS Drum Line Performance

4:40pm Load trailer QUICKLY. Drummers can change when we get home.

We will leave captains behind with Mrs. West and the rest of us will go back to CPHS. Captains will be brought home after Massing. We have a SHREK performance, so we need to get back ASAP.

5:45pm Most of us will be back at CPHS

Dinner Provided for Captains

8:00pm Massing

9:00pm Captains Home

Normal ticket prices and suggestions about concessions stands, etc. in effect.