Sand Springs Christmas Parade

Friday, December 6th



Who: All 7th & 8th grade band students

What:  The CBMS will be marching in the Sand Springs Christmas Parade

When:  Friday, December 6th

·         Report Time: 6:30pm

·         Parade Starts: 7:00pm

Where: Starts behind the China Star Restaurant and ends on South Main St after the SS Expressway underpass SEE MAP!

What to wear: White band Hoodie, blue jeans, and tennis shoes – Students are encouraged to dress in layers                              underneath their Hoodie.


Dear CBMS parent(s),

                We are so excited to announce that we will be marching again in this year’s.  Sand Springs Christmas Parade.  The weather is getting colder, so we are encouraging the students to dress in layers underneath their hoodie.  It is normally very busy the night of the parade, so please make sure you drop off your child a little earlier than the reporting time due to the traffic.  You will also notice a map of the parade route starting point (A) and ending point (B).  Please make arrangements to pick up your child near the end by 1st & S Main St. (Sand Springs Expressway underpass) 

Again, we can’t tell you how excited we are for our students.  This gives us a great opportunity to show off our AWESOME middle school band students. 



See Back for Map










SS Parade Route….(A to B)