Report to band room @ 7:30am
We will load equipment and try to arrive at Tulsa Tech SS right at 8:15am
This performance is a secret one for one of their employees, so we can't hack and have to be low key.
We will play a few cadences in the lobby when the TT leaders give us the sign and then we'll head back to put things away at school. There will be multiple teacher meetings taking place in our bldg, so we'll need to be quiet in there too.
Please wear shorts and your band shirt or other sandite themed shirt.
You should be back at school and ready to be picked up by 9:00am. Be sure your parents are OK with you riding with an older drummer if you don't drive. It's about one mile door to door.
Thanks for doing this! You guys are definitely in demand! It's gonna be a fun year for drum line.