MS Band Members-stay tuned for updated info, which is dependent on whether or not CBMS is open Friday. Updates will be sent by text message. Be sure you’re on the group list (“Stay in Touch” tab on this website)

SS Christmas Parade-HS Band Instructions

The Chamber of Commerce will decide by 10am Friday if the parade will be postponed due to weather. If it is, the rain date is December 7. All other concerts for the weekend will continue as planned.

We will load truck Friday morning.

Take uniforms (and shakos) & instruments/flags home with you today or tomorrow.

Guard uniform is the warm-ups.

Also, take your concert band music/instrument home because we have a concert Saturday!

Band room will be open tomorrow until 4pm.

Leave cases in your cars.  The parade ends near El Maguey Restaurant, so there’s no good place to leave them.

Percussionists, make plans for how to transport your drums, etc and get them to the concert on Saturday.

Sign-in will be at Zegart Studio and we line up on Pecan Street (by China Star Restaurant) by 6:45pm.

Be aware of street closings as the time for the parade nears.

After the parade, take you uniforms (not shakos) to the dry cleaners.  Your final exam is returning your uniform to the closet and turning in your dry cleaning ticket with your name on it. 

 Be sure you’re on the Remind list.  Any changes in plan due to weather will be texted out asap.