Friday Sept. 1
Pep Assembly @ CPHS
Freshmen will stay after 1st hour
The bus to CNGC will pick you up at 10:20am
Football Game vs. Pulaski Academy
Call Time: 5:30pm (Horn Line, Drum Line & Color Guard)
Dress: Horn Line & Drum Line: Full Uniform (Jackets, Bibbers, Shakos, Plumes, Gloves*)
· Wear shorts/sliders & T-shirts under unis.
· Gloves only if they’re ready (dyed)
Color Guard: Warm-Weather Uniform (khaki shorts, SS polo & tennis shoes)
o Before changing into unis, take shako box (w/ shako in it) to stands.
o Fill H2O bottle and leave in your spot
o WW take cases to stands
o Drummers come early to do this and start warm-ups at 5:30pm—Others remember to keep it calm for them
o Horn Line: After getting stuff into stands, suit up. Don’t go outside in partial uniform. It looks DUMB!
o Be ready for warm-up arcs at 6:15pm
o We will go out to the NW corner of stadium at 6:45pm for SSB and Tunnels-follow older members
o After tunnels, move quickly through N end zone gate to band stands.
o During 2nd quarter, we will go warm-up. Take shako. You’ll get plume at warm-up.
o Half-time: Usually goes: Cheer, Dance, US
o After half-time, we will take 3rd quarter off. The boosters provide a snack. (Remember to say thanks!)
o You are free to go to concessions if you like, but you must be back in stands with NO FOOD/SODAS by beginning of 4th quarter. If it’s a problem, we lose 3rd qtr break.
o Remember: We sit when we’re on Offense and Stand when we’re on Defense. Be ready for a short at any time. We are there to have fun, but we have a job to do! Stay engaged.
o Stay in seats. If you MUST go to restroom, try to alert directors w/o getting out of seats. If you need more H2O, same idea. We need to look better up there!
o After game, take everything inside. Hang up unis neatly!!!! Head home. If you are getting a ride, it’s usually a safe bet that you’ll be ready for pick-up by 10:00pm.
Future Stuff:
Branson Contest: October 14-15$75
If parents want to go I need to know by Sept. 5 (Tuesday)—No school on Monday
Parents will cost $75 too.