Schedule for November 3
1st Hour: 8:30-9:00am (run through senior night logistics)
Not sure what Mr. Kothe will decide about freshmen coming to CPHS
2nd Hour: 9:05-9:35am
Veterans' Day Assembly: 9:45-10:45am
3rd Hour: 10:50-11:20am
4th Hour: 11:25-12:30pm
Lunches take place in there
10th-12th grade released at 12:45pm--be in lobby before 1:00pm
9th grade go to first lunch and get on bus at noon
5th Hour: 12:35-1:05pm
Snr Night Pep Assembly: 1:10-2:20pm (Band will be released at 12:45pm to set up)
After assembly, go back to class. 9th gd get on bus back to CNGC
6th Hour: 2:25-2:55pm
7th Hour: 3:00-3:30pm
Band room will be open at 5::30pm for the game